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BAT Documents
Reference Documents on Best Available Techniques
Cement, Lime and Magnesium Oxide Manufacturing Industries
6.09 MB (bvt_zement-kalk-magnesiumoxidindustrie_EN.pdf)
Ceramic Manufacturing Industry
2.71 MB (bvt_keramikindustrie_EN.pdf)
Energy Efficiency
5.61 MB (bvt_energieeffizienz_EN.pdf)
Ferrous Metals Processing Industry
5.32 MB (bvt_stahlverarbeitung_EN.pdf)
Food, Drink and Milk Industries
6.48 MB (bvt_nahrungsmittelindustrie_EN.pdf)
Glass Manufacturing Industry
2.47 MB (bvt_glas_EN.pdf)
Industrial Cooling Systems
4.59 MB (bvt_kuehlsysteme_EN.pdf)
Intensive Rearing of Poultry and Pigs PART1
5.39 MB (bvt_intensivtierhaltung_EN_Teil1.pdf)
Intensive Rearing of Poultry and Pigs PART2
5.46 MB (bvt_intensivtierhaltung_EN_Teil2.pdf)
Pulp and Paper Industry
6.48 MB (bvt_zellstoff-papierindustrie_EN.pdf)
4.54 MB (bvt_tierschlachtanlagen_EN.pdf)
Smitheries and Foundries Industry
5.77 MB (bvt_giessereien_EN.pdf)
Surface Treatment of Metals and Plastics
6 MB (bvt_galvanik_EN.pdf)
Tanning of Hides and Skins
2.05 MB (bvt_lederindustrie_EN.pdf)
Textile Industry
2.86 MB (bvt_textilindustrie_EN.pdf)