Clean Technologies
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Prevent waste being
generated in the first place.

Clean Technologies

The correct, safe disposal of substances and products is essential for ensuring that production processes run smoothly and have minimum environmental impact. Disposal is supplemented by measures to prevent waste being generated in the first place. Every ton of waste that is avoided reduces the amount that has to be managed in technical, economic and environmental terms. At first glance, it therefore appears that the recycling or re-use of residual substances should be given priority over their disposal – both in environmental and economic terms. However, more in-depth analyses and case studies sometimes cast doubt on this assumption, at least from an environmental perspective.

Production without any environmental protection technologies


Production without any environmental protection technologies generates air pollution, water contamination as well as soil contamination and the consumption of resources (energy consumption, water consumption etc.) is high. The resulting negative impacts on the environment has to be paid by the community.


Production with environmental end-of-pipe technologies


End-of-pipe Approaches are: Treatment of wastes and polluting streams at the end of the production process. End-of-pipe systems may involve treating medias such as water, air or soil with, for example, the addition of filters, or the use of other clean-up actions. The consumption of resources (energy consumption, water consumption etc.) is not effected by end-of-pipe approaches.


Production process based on Clean Technologies

Clean Technologies include: All on-site environmental procedures and processes designed to reduce waste and polluting streams at its source. These measures are guided by two principles: recovery/reuse of any useful by-products and avoid unnecessary treatment. For example by the use of heat-exchangers it is possible to reduce the energy demand. Hence it is possible to save expenditures on energy and avoid air pollution at the same time.

INNOCHEM solutions based on Clean Technologies gain our customers advantages in competition. We place at the disposal of our customers all our competence and the best of our solutions. Thus they are able to reach their economic as well as environmental goals quickly and completely.